![]() ![]() Some people may find our domain name a bit strange, which is exactly our point. If you know how to pronounce 'hubbe' (who-buh), then you know that it sounds very much like our last name. It sure was a lot cooler and much more interesting than say, hubinette.com! ;)
![]() We have our own web server which is hosted on our DSL line. It may not be the fastest connection or the most dependable, but it is ours! Currently we have a 384 Kbit connection. Hubbe.net also makes use of version 1.3 Roxen server which runs on our fileserver called Cytocin.
![]() We create the pages for hubbe.net on one of our (six) home computers. Fredrik keeps a pretty current list of our hardware, so check it out if you are interested. I mostly do my HTML work on Tymin nowadays while sitting in front of the TV. However, if I am in the mood to sit up in the computer room, K'Ehleyr is the computer I work on. All of the pages here at hubbe.net are hand written with an Emacs editor and viewed with Netscape 4.x for UNIX. I also test out web pages on IE 5.x/6.x, Netscape 4.x for Windows and Opera 5.x/6.x when I get a chance.
![]() If there is anything else about hubbe.net that you want to know or feel that something is missing from this page, please let us know. Thank you!